Friday, February 27, 2015

How Do I Get Clear Skin?

Everybody wishes to have clear and glowing skin because glowing skin is considered to be a boon and can certainly enhance one’s personality. Some people are naturally blessed with clear and flawless skin while some have to really strive hard to acquire it. Getting rid of problematic skin can be quite a task but it is not really impossible, and a proper skin care routine can help men and women to get the much envied skin.

To begin with, it is important to follow a four step procedure that includes Cleansing, Toning Scrubbing and Moisturising. The process of scrubbing should be performed only twice a week as too much of scrubbing can cause the skin to lose essential nutrients. It is recommended that you follow all these steps rigorously to get better looking skin.

Make up is an essential part of every woman’s personality but overdoing it can give messy results. It should be used to highlight one’s features and not conceal them beneath layers of cosmetic products. Excess makeup can clog the pores, which can result in dull skin or even acne, and thus, it is ideal to wear make up only in minimal quantities. Always remember to take off your make up before going to bed every night.

To get clear skin and prevent hair loss, it is important to eat good and nutritious food. Oily and fried food should be avoided at all costs. Exercising can also help one acquire great skin. It helps in emitting toxins from the body in the form of sweat. Not only can exercising give you healthy skin but also a healthy body. Yoga, an ancient Indian form of meditation and exercise is another great way to acquire healthy looking skin. Healthy skin is not very difficult to achieve and always remember to stay happy because the happiness will certainly reflect on your skin.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

How to Obtain Beautiful Hands and Feet

Ever been out jewelry shopping with a friend and when she tells you to check out this ring, you look at her hands and wonder if she has been washing them with sandpaper? Many women don’t take the time to properly care for their hands and feet and the result is dry, rough, cracked skin and broken, unkempt nails.

Providing treatments of the hands and feet should be an important part of any woman’s beauty regimen. Often times these areas are left neglected and things like hair and makeup take precedence. Having well manicured hands and beautifully pedicured feet doesn’t have to be expensive or take much time. With all of the do it at home kits available in most beauty stores, all it takes is a little time and good products.

Start by soaking your feet for about 5 minutes in a tub or foot bath filled with lukewarm water, a mild soap and a few drops of baby oil. When the skin begins to feel soft, remove from the bath and gently towel dry. Use a pumice stone to exfoliate the dead skin off the heels and bottom of the foot, and then generously apply a moisturizer to the entire foot.

Next take an orange stick to push back the softened cuticles then apply a cuticle removing product like Seche Vite cuticle Remover, let sit for 3 minutes and then carefully clip off the dead cuticle. If necessary, clip the toes nails and file to shape. Finally apply a clear base coat to each nail, when the base coat is dry follow with a 2 applications of your favorite nail polish color and finish with a quick dry clear coat.

For the treatment of hands, employ the same techniques for soaking and cuticle removing, however to remove dead dry skin, a paraffin wax treatment is recommended. Apply a clear base coat on finger nails as well to avoid discoloring of the natural nail. Paint finger nails using the same color or complimentary to the color on the toe nails. For women that prefer a more natural look, a French manicure using a Sally Hansen or Opi French Manicure Kit may be a good choice. Finish with a quick dry top coat.

Caring for your hands and feet along with other beautifying routines will have you feeling great from head to toe.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ethical Beauty

Although the movement for ethical make up and body products has been around for a long time, it was probably Anita Roddick’s Body Shop that really publicised cruelty-free beauty treatments.

The Body Shop brought to high streets around the UK the concept of beauty products – whether blusher and lipstick or shower gel and body lotion – that had been produced without cruel testings on animals. By the time the Body Shop rolled out, most people were aware that animals had been subjected to horrible laboratory tests such as having shampoo squirted into their eyes, being made to inhale cigarette smoke all day round, or having products injected into them. All the while, many animals were chained up.

‘Not tested on animals'soon became a label that ethical consumers wanted to read on their make up and other beauty products, but even that does not mean that animal sources are not used. For vegans and other people who do not want any products derived from animals, the label has to read ‘suitable for vegetarians/vegans’.

Sometimes you can be horrified to find that your favourite pampering products do not meet this criterion, so for the real vegans amongst us, here are some top vegetarian recipes for home beauty treatments.

First of all, there are the old classics, applying slices of cucumber or cold, used teabags to your eyes. Lie back, close your eyes, and place the piece of your choice upon your closed eyelids. Both cucumber and cold teabags are cooling and relaxing, and will help get rid of any swelling.
For the face as a whole, there is nothing like a mask made of the mashed flesh of papaya, also known as pawpaw, mixed with a couple of drops of an essential oil that is good for the skin, such as rosemary or tea tree. Leave the messy gloop on while in the bath, then rinse off for a beautiful, smooth face.

This mixture can be put into ice cube trays and frozen, then one cube can be taken out before a bath to be readied for your treatment.

Veggies or not, there is no reason why you can’t have top quality home treatments.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Top-Five Growing Trends in Plastic Surgery

At the beginning of the year, a study on plastic surgery in the US concluded that the practice has grown by no less than 9% in the two short years since 2010. Of course, the most common and popular procedures were exactly the same as always top the list, namely breast augmentation, tummy tucks and so on and so forth. However, as society evolves and the procedures themselves become more diverse and indeed more widely available than ever before, there are a few once-rare procedures gaining serious ground and heading ever-closer to the top spots:
Male Breast Augmentation – Plastic surgery for male patients has exploded over recent years and tens of thousands more than ever before are opting for breast augmentation. Whether in the form of pectoral implants, reshaping are breast reduction in the case of underlying health issues, male breast procedures have become increasingly commonplace. Body Contouring – Body contouring without the use of surgery has been around for over a decade now but has of late grown in popularity like never before. There are dozens of different approaches when it comes to actually carrying out the process, though all are capable of offering incredible results without the usual stretched skin and after effects that follow tummy-tucks and gastric bypass surgery.
Asian Eyelid Surgery – This has recently taken the bronze-medal position as the third most common procedure in the US today, eyelid surgery basically involves the modification of the eyelid to create a bigger, more defined overall look to the eyes. The practice continues to attract enormous criticism however as many see the surgery as nothing other than a means by which Asians are able to create a more western/Caucasian look. Butt Lifts – Butt lifting surgery to give a larger, fuller appearance has been around for quite some time, thought the implants used have long been considered dangerous. However, today’s leading butt lift providers use the body’s existing fat reserves, taken out with liposuction and redeployed to the desired area Vagina Modification – Last but not least, vagina modification has also taken off in an enormous way of late. From reductions to enlargements to reshaping and everything in-between, basically anything a truckload of Cosmestore cosmetics cannot achieve can be found on the ‘menu' from most plastic surgeons today..Lord only knows what the new top-five will be in another decade or so…
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Monday, February 23, 2015

Who does the best for clothes?

There is a very real discrepancy in the world of clothes shopping between men and women. This discrepancy is shown by a massive abundance of women’s clothes compared to the comparability slim selection offered to men to wear. 
It is not just the shop floor space that is different too though. Women have many more kinds of clothes to wear, a full range of all styles that men can choose from plus a large variety of feminine styles that men are not given equivalents to. Further too women have a broad range of accessories and designer jewellery to choose from that are not available to men either.
Not to be fair though men have things much easier in many realms of clothing as well. For starters they do not need to worry about  what they wear nearly as much, men can safely wear the same clothes to most occasions, and only have to change into a suit to be automatically ready for formal occasions that normal day wear would not be suitable. Further more they have a much larger range of fashionable options that are comfortable to wear out and about without causing discomfort, this is not a luxury that fashion conscious young women can afford themselves in the same way.
On balance as a fashion aware person I can’t help felling that women are more lucky especially in the sense that the clothes shopping experience is much more attractive proposition to girls than for the boys out there.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Busted Beauty Myths

Old wives tales or actual fact? From mayonnaise conditioner to a beery sun tan, everyone has their fair share of beauty myths. Forget about Clynol Viton and hair straighteners, here we will be talking using basic household items such as toothepaste and ice as part of beauty regimes. Some work, some don’t work, but here you will find out which ones are myths and which ones are actually useful in life.
Claim: Toothpaste gets rid of spots.
Myth or Fact? Fact. The menthol in toothpaste dries out the skin, thus drying out the spots and pimples. However, it can also irritate the surrounding skin so it is wise to use as little as possible to avoid flaky and dry skin.
Claim: Beer helps to develop a sun tan.
Myth or Fact? Myth. Tanning in the sun is a matter of genetic makeup. Some tan eaily, others burn bright red. Applying beer on the skin before sunbathing will not give you a golden glow at all. In fact, you will just smell like an old brewery. Stick to fake tan or self-tanning lotion.

Claim: Ice on the skin reduces the size of pores.
Myth or Fact? Myth. Nothing can reduce pore size. Just like tanning, pore size is all down to genetics. Although using ice will probably make you feel very wide awake!
Claim: Mayonnaise is an excellent hair conditioner.
Myth of Fact? Fact…believe it or not! As long as it is proper mayonnaise then it really does work wonders. The oil and eggs in mayonnaise contain fatty acids and protein- perfect for sleek and healthy hair.
Claim: Shaving hair makes it grow back a lot faster.
Myth or Fact? Contrary to popular belief this is a myth. Shaved hair only seems to grow back quicker because it is not plucked from the hair follicle. This means the wide part of the hair follicle grows out…making it appear thicker.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Beauty Secrets - How to Take Good Care of Your Skin and Hair

No cost beauty tips are one thing most people want to know about. There are numerous ways which you can help to make your skin and face appear beautiful and healthy. It is very important that you take good care of your skin and hair because it is the only ones you have. Plus, how well you take care of them determines how they will look later on during the aging process. This is why I am here to share a few tips with you.
Skin Tips
Your skin can look youthful and healthy if you take good care of it. Which means your first beauty suggestion is a proper diet. Eating a balanced meal can provide the body with all of them essential nutrients and vitamins necessary to keep it going as well as looking beautiful. Studies from the Mayo Clinic recommend creating a diet plan full of vitamin c as well as reduced carbohydrates together with “good” fat to maintain more youthful looking skin for the rest of your life. Sunscreen is one product that you should always have available. Use sunscreen every time you step out regardless if there is sun or not, it is recommended to apply and reapply every 2 hours.
The most effective beauty tip is to stop smoking cigarettes. Once you smoke, oxygen does not enrich the skin effectively resulting in damage to your collagen; elastins level within the skin and of course your health.
Hair Tips
Now for a free beauty tip on hair care, to obtain that shiny, full hair that you always desired, never wash your hair using hot water, but instead wash it by using cool or cold water. What this does is to seal the cuticles, which will increase the shine of the hair. Furthermore, when shampooing your hair, you should under no circumstances apply shampoos with sulfate. Try to apply shampoo that has minimal level of chemicals which will stop your hair from getting too dry. Additionally, never shampoo the ends of your hair, just the roots. It will help stimulate the hair follicles together with assisting in the development of the hair, massage your scalp on a regular basis and that will improve the circulation of blood to the area as well. If you are experiencing any type of hair loss, you can avoid it as well as maybe grow it back with the use of Chia Seeds. Chia seeds have been used for some time to provide horses with a shiny coat and healthy hooves. Human hair can benefit from these seeds as well.
Makeup Tips
The final selection of my no cost beauty secrets is how to put your makeup on flawlessly. By using the perfect makeup, it is possible to boost the natural beauty of your face. To begin, use a primer to the skin just before putting on the foundation. Just like painting, primer can smooth out the skin tones and minimize the look of the pores, filling any scar or even wrinkle you might have. To deliver a natural glow, blend a small amount of liquid highlighter to help you with your foundation, which gives an airbrushed look to your skin.
For you to shape the face area, add a concealer or even foundation which is a tone deeper in comparison with your natural skin color and apply it below your cheekbone, on the sides of your nose as well as underneath your chin. To generate the eyes “pop” look, utilize white or black eyeliner around the inner rims of your eyes. Begin from the inner corner of the eyes, together with finish at the outer edge of the eyes.
These tips are simple to follow, and it will assist you in reaching for that perfect glow, healthy skin and hair that you have always wanted.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Skincare Suggestions to Keep That Fountain of Youth Look

There are many ways to make you appear youthful. You can color your hair, apply certain makeup, and wear sexy Silk Fabrics
 amongst other things. However, if your skin is sporting fine lines and wrinkles, no wardrobe or makeup is going to cover that. Many people declare attractiveness is just skin deep, but this won’t imply that you need to ignore the facial skin particularly when you’re in your 40’s. As you likely have got away with facial lines and a bad skincare routine in your 20s and 30s, by the time you have made it in your 40’s, you’d need to put in additional work in looking after your epidermis.
It is over these essential several years when facial lines and age blotches begin to turn out to be very noticeable. While there really is no fountain of youth, there are several modifications within your way of life that can be done that can make a massive difference not only on how you appear, but about how you feel too. Using this, allow me to discuss with you some good anti-aging suggestions that can be done within your fabulous 40’s.
Raise your anti-oxidant consumption, Apart from assisting, it helps to decrease getting older at the cellular stage, antioxidants additionally reduces your danger of producing cancer malignancy, cardiovascular disease and memory damage.
Give up the butts. In the event you have not ditched smoking yet at this time in your lifetime, there is no greater period than right now. Apart from its countless health risks, smoking causes your enamel to turn yellowish and your epidermis to sallow which could cause you to appear a lot over the age of how old you are. I know giving up doesn’t occur immediately, you should use pads and gums to jumpstart your giving up course of action.
Obtain a great eye lotion (and a great below eye cover up). Once we grow older, the region around our eyes are much more sensitive and that’s why it’s very vulnerable to producing fine wrinkles and facial lines. A great eye lotion with anti-aging advantages safeguard and moisturize the region around the eye which assists in maintaining facial lines less noticeable. A great below the eye cover up; however, assists in hiding dark under-eye bags and inflammation. Darkish under-eye bags make one appear aged and haggard so it’s extremely important to cover them up when heading out.
Obtain a great anti-aging lotion. The skin we have manages to lose its flexibility once we grow older that’s the reason our epidermis will sag as time passes. A great lotion with anti-aging advantages help in keeping facial lines, skin tones and imperfections away. These kinds of lotions have not shown to provide long lasting results though so don’t merely depend on anti-aging lotions to remove your skin aging worries.