Sunday, February 22, 2015

Busted Beauty Myths

Old wives tales or actual fact? From mayonnaise conditioner to a beery sun tan, everyone has their fair share of beauty myths. Forget about Clynol Viton and hair straighteners, here we will be talking using basic household items such as toothepaste and ice as part of beauty regimes. Some work, some don’t work, but here you will find out which ones are myths and which ones are actually useful in life.
Claim: Toothpaste gets rid of spots.
Myth or Fact? Fact. The menthol in toothpaste dries out the skin, thus drying out the spots and pimples. However, it can also irritate the surrounding skin so it is wise to use as little as possible to avoid flaky and dry skin.
Claim: Beer helps to develop a sun tan.
Myth or Fact? Myth. Tanning in the sun is a matter of genetic makeup. Some tan eaily, others burn bright red. Applying beer on the skin before sunbathing will not give you a golden glow at all. In fact, you will just smell like an old brewery. Stick to fake tan or self-tanning lotion.

Claim: Ice on the skin reduces the size of pores.
Myth or Fact? Myth. Nothing can reduce pore size. Just like tanning, pore size is all down to genetics. Although using ice will probably make you feel very wide awake!
Claim: Mayonnaise is an excellent hair conditioner.
Myth of Fact? Fact…believe it or not! As long as it is proper mayonnaise then it really does work wonders. The oil and eggs in mayonnaise contain fatty acids and protein- perfect for sleek and healthy hair.
Claim: Shaving hair makes it grow back a lot faster.
Myth or Fact? Contrary to popular belief this is a myth. Shaved hair only seems to grow back quicker because it is not plucked from the hair follicle. This means the wide part of the hair follicle grows out…making it appear thicker.

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